420Cards – The cannabis quartet

Stand: FRG (outdoor area)

About the company

Discover the brand new 420Cards game, an exciting and informative cannabis quartet, freshly released in August 2024! In its first edition, the game consists of 36 unique cannabis strains, which are rated in seven categories such as THC content, growth height or yield. Following the classic quartet principle, as you may know it from car, airplane or ship quartets, you can expand your knowledge of cannabis varieties in a playful way.

The special thing about 420Cards: In the future, expansion packs will be released regularly in collaboration with seed banks and medical cannabis companies. These expansions, consisting of 4, 8 or 32 cards, will constantly expand the range. Our aim is to build up a collection of at least 420 different strains over time.

Visit us in the CANNAFRIENDSGame Area and be inspired by the diversity and depth of the cannabis world – playful, entertaining and educational!



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