Atilla Bülent Idil

Educator, medical cannabis content creator and cannabis patient

Atilla Bülent Idil is the CEO of WvC Media and a well-known figure in the medical cannabis community. As a dedicated family man and passionate advocate for the medicinal use of cannabis his life was profoundly changed by health challenges.

Born on May 6, 1986 in Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Atilla suffered unbearable pain and massive health restrictions after being diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis in 2011 and severe gastritis in May 2020. When he finally discovered the healing effects of medicinal cannabis in October 2020, he was able to eat without pain again for the first time after weeks of pain. This experience not only led to a significant improvement in his quality of life and a weight loss of 60 kg, but also to a deep commitment to destigmatizing cannabis.

Atilla has been running the educational channel together with his wife since March 2021 @wir_verdampfen on Instagram and TikTok. There he shares his personal experiences and offers valuable information about the medical use of cannabis. In 2022, he initiated a pioneering video project at the ADAC driving safety center and an MPU preparation center, which was published on the YouTube channel “Wir klären auf”. The project investigated the reactions and driving aptitude of cannabis patients under sober conditions and under the direct influence of cannabis. The results impressively showed that cannabis patients can remain fit to drive even at high drug concentrations, which fundamentally influenced the debate on the driving ability of cannabis patients.

Since July 2024, Atilla has been leading a large-scale educational campaign in which he travels through all 16 federal states in a tour bus and covers individual topics relating to medical cannabis in 16 episodes. This campaign aims to raise awareness of the medical possibilities of cannabis and break down prejudices