Fabian Good

Master student Sustainable International Agriculture (University of Kassel/University of Göttingen)

Fabian has been passionate about cannabis and organic farming for around a decade. With his Master’s thesis at the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen on the topic of “Sustainability and certification in the cannabis industry”, he is now pursuing the goal of combining both areas academically.

Almost a decade ago, Fabian began to delve deeper into organic farming. As a consumer, he already had a lot in common with cannabis at that time. As his interest and knowledge of organic farming and sustainability grew, his focus increasingly turned to cannabis cultivation. However, Fabian’s interest is not limited to the plant in question, but also to how “green” and sustainable cannabis cultivation and the cannabis industry as a whole really are. He is very interested in how the sector could be made more sustainable in order to avoid the well-known sustainability pitfalls of agriculture and food production while still producing high-quality cannabis. These considerations have accompanied him on numerous trips and excursions in Europe and Africa.

Fabian is currently working on his master’s thesis on “Sustainability and certification in the cannabis industry”. Among other things, it examines what a sustainability certification for cannabis could look like, based on the EU organic certification, and which specific points should be taken into account in a sustainability certification for cannabis.