Henry Wieker is the founder and first chairman of the Cannabis Social Club Hannover since 2016.
That year he also founded his company HHH Hemp Harvesting Technology to develop a cannabis flower harvesting machine. In this way he traveled the entire world of cannabis from industrial hemp as a resource for construction, nutrition, cosmetics, clothing, food to flower utilization as a CBD supplier or for recreational consumption.
HHenry is a member of
ENCOD (European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies),
LEAP Deutschland (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), DHV (Deutscher Hanfverband),
BvCW (Branchenverband der Cannabiswirtschaft),
IHBA (International Hemp Building Association),
EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association).
Since April 2023, he has been working hard to prepare the rapidly growing CSC Hannover for legalization.