Steffen Geyer

Director Hemp Museum | Chairman of the CSC umbrella organization

Steffen Geyer has been making public drug policy for two decades. The TAZ called him the “Günter Grass of the legalization movement”, the world called him a “radical cannabis disciple”.

The Berliner by choice is one of the best-known activists for the legalization of cannabis in Germany. He was active, among others, at the Association for Drug Policy, DHV, Green Aid and the European NGO network ENCOD. Since 2003 he has led Germany’s largest legalization demonstration, the Hanfparade. In 2008, Steffen Geyer published “Rauschzeichen: Everything you need to know about cannabis” at KiWi Verlag. In 2012, he organized 100 Legalize events across 100 days at the cannabis culture event throughout Germany.

In addition to his work as director of the Hanf Museums Berlin Steffen Geyer is chairman of the umbrella organization of German Cannabis Social Clubs (CSCD). He served as an expert on the Health Committee of the Bundestag and carries out a wide range of voluntary consumer self-help – from legal advice to media training.

Steffen is also a photographer, layout designer, father and poet. He smokes weed every day.


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